Einweihung der Geschichtsstation und Gedenken an das Wirken der Barmherzigen Brüder von Montabaur in der Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Maria The official opening, on the national day of mourning in 2001, of the history station and remembrance of the work of the Brothers of Mercy of Montabaur in the nursing and care home, Maria Lindenhof.
National Socialist Ideology. Euthanasia, assassintaion of ill citizens in need of care.
"The fate of the final patients ... is uncertain. It is said that hey were allocated to the hospitals in the area or simply sent home but it is to be assumed thst many of them were assassinated in the following years by the National Socialists." (Translated from J. Ulfkotte's statement "Das Schicksal der letzten Kranken … ist ungewiss. Es heißt zwar, daß sie auf die umliegenden Krankenhäuser verteilt oder auch einfach nach Hause geschickt wurden, doch ist anzunehmen, daß viele von ihnen in den nächsten Jahren von den Nationalsozialisten ermordet wurden", (J.Ulfkotte).
"Stand still and moan!" "Bleib' stehen und erhebe Klage!" - Using this epitaph from ancient Greece, the mayor, Mr Lütkenhorst appeals for the remembrance of the beneficial work of the Brothers of Mercy of Montabour.
![]() Doktorhaus |
1887 |
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The Brothers of Mercy of Montabaur build a nursing and care-home, which they call "Maria's Farm near the Linden trees" "Marias Hof bei den Linden", for male patients with epilepsy. In around 1925, more than 500 patients are being cared for. | |
Pablo Picasso paints the picture ![]() Regional reception Home Maria Lindenhof | _ |
1937 |
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The National Socialists force the Brothers of Mercy of Montabaur to the surrender of their institution in Dorsten. Many patients become victims of the politics of assassination of the National Socialists. |
German Troops occupy France.
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1940 |
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The buildings are used by the armed forces as a military hospital. |
Japan surrenders, in the aftermath of the Atomic Bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
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1945 |
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In the time after the second World War, the buildings are temporarily used to house former prisoners of war, foreign workers and German refugees. Other buildings, such as the swimming pool, the educational centre and the Petrinum Grammar School are built in the area of Maria Lindenhof, from about 1960 onwards. |
The Soviet Union achieves the first soft landing on the moon with Luna 9
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1966 |
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The final building remains of the former nursing and care-home of the Brothers of Mercy are demolished. |
The victorious allied powers of the second World War agree to the reunification of Germany. ![]() Gravestone Cross at the Memorial site. | _ |
1990 |
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Part of the former cemetery of the Brothers of Mercy is converted into a memorial, |
2001 |
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An Adventure and Family Fun Pool is created on the site. |
Eröffnung - 18th November 2001
Adresse - Im Werth 15, 46282 Dorsten, vor der VHS
Geodaten - 51°39'55.52,6°57'48.6
The design of the History Stations receives a lot of recognition from the public. The Lions Club Dorsten-Hanse thankfully names its partners: Mrs Annegret Tüshaus of the advertising company "Agentur Werbe Service" and the architect, Elmar Figgener. "Dipl.Ing., Architekt".
Visiting from Montabaur: Brother Stephan (centre) and Brother Probus (right), thankfully connected over several years with the Petrinum school community through the sponsorship of the unpretentious memorial, remember their 28 brethren brothers resting here in peace.
Gravestone cross at the memorial of the Brothers of Mercy. This is where the History Station was first placed. Nowadays, it is in front of the adult education centre "Volkshochschule".